I ABSOLUTELY adored this book!! I don't know how it is possible that I haven't read Jade Whitfield's books before!! I loved every single word of this beautiful story! I fell for the characters from the beginning and I can assure you that you will love Liv and Noah's story! I really liked that reading this book I founf myself laughing out loud and crying after few chapters! When this happens, I can say that the book was very very well written and I can't wait to read more and more books by Jade Whitfield!! And, since I live in Italy, I can only hope to see her books in our libraries! I am sure it will happen really soon and for me it will be FOREVER LOVE for this book!!
I have read, no sorry devoured this book in one evening!! I couldn't put it down! If you have read the first book in the series and loved Liv and Noah's story, please you have to read this AMAZING, fanstastic and perfect book!!! This is the story of Brady and Cindy and like in the first book, Jade Whitfield was able to made me laugh, cry and feel so many emotions that I don't even know how to describe them!! The auhtor is amazingly talented and as I said for the first book in the series, I can't wait to see her works published here in Italy as well!! It would be absolutely great to buy her books translated in Italian!! I can't wait for another Jade's book!
P.S. I fell in love with Brady and you will too !! OMG that guy!